It's almost 1 o'clock but still havent took my lunch yet.Dont know what to eat for lunch abd still thinking.Tomorrow is another celebration day in Islam or should i say for Muslim called "Hari Raya Aidilfitri".And the important thing is tomorrow is a Holiday!!!"Yeay!!!".
As for today i just want to review about one source for all the blogger to earn money.As we know a lot of blogger outsite there updates their blog everyday(for me almost 3 entries per day).They usually write about what they like for example like politics,economy,marketing and almost have of blogger write about their personal life nad share opinions with others.I think about 70% of us were blogging to earn something from our blog(including me).
I just found out one more source for us(blogger) to earn money from our writing.Beside we earn from ads that come from advertiser like nuffnang,google adsence,advertlets or bla bla bla.We can also earn money just by writing articles in our blog.Then i try and sign up for Linkworth.
Linkworth is a portal that we can earn money by writing articles in our blogs.The articles topic was choosen by the advertiser and they wil pay us accordingly.As i read about Linkworth many blogger said that it is worth it sign up and write any topic that they ask to according to the advertiser.And many reviews from the blogger said that we can earn more money here.
So why not to give a try and before this i have tried nuffnang and i got the pay check already.Because most of the blogger outsite Malaysia had earned a lot of money just by writing entries and post.So i already got an assignment for linkworth and try.May it will be my starting point to earn money from my blog.And the important think is it is FREE to signup!!!
p/s :
- at least if didn't earn money we got a topic to write in our blog and it will drive traffic so we can get more ads from Nuffnang.