-= HuH!!!Good News & BaD News =-

Hye in our life we have to accept that sometimes we will received good news and also bad news...For me it's normal as a human being.hm...Do you want to know the good news or bad news guys!!!

Ok i will tell you the bad news first...Don't cry ha!!!hope you can accept it as i have to...really sad and don't try to jump from the higher level of your appartment ok...Ok for your information i have to stop this blog http://suterablogger.blogspot.com(am i tired already...nope!!!).I have been using this blog since last year december and i have to stop it due to some reason.

i know maybe some of you will feel happy with my decision...I know that this blog is not as famous as certain of your blogs...huhu...so sad right!!!but at least i learn a lot in suterablogger.All the sadness and happiness,all the friendship,all the moneyand all the knowledge i will
implement into way of suterablogger.Once i am a blogger i will be a blogger till the end.
Just Remember this quotes :
"Blogger Help Blogger(no matter in what situation!!!)"

So to all my followers,readers,and fellow bloggers thanx for the knowledge and friendship...We will meet again in maybe some "New" Environment ok!!!Hope This new year will bring a lot of prosper to us!!!So jgn Nakal2 ok!!!huhuhu...CHIoW!!

p/s :
- this is sticky notes OK!!!

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