Yeay!!!Today "Suterablogger" is exactly 1 year!!!Time past by so fast you know...Actually for me it's normal as a blogger.before i write this blog i've already got another one but it only last for 4 month.
Have you ever heard about Linkwithin.I have been looking for this widget for quite long time.(even i have blogging for a long time-1 year but this have to discover learn)
This morning after blog walking to other blogs so i discover how to do this easy installation to my blog.huhu(how pity i am).Last time i can only see from other blog but didn't try.I always wanted my blog to be like this :
from livesaver's blog
or maybe like this :
from farenova's blog
And finally i got this in my blog...yeeehaaa!!!! :
To both blog owners sorry to take the photo of your blog...haha...for credit i put your blog's link inside this entry(hopefully you allow it).This widget is very useful to any blog...WHY!!!ok it can dirve traffic easily to your blog.This widget also will make visitor stay long to read the articles if it was linked each other.So if the visitor stay long that's mean you will got a unique visitor.
So dear blogger why not try this widget if it can benefit our blogs.It's free and was very easy to instal...