Do you know what is Social Networking sites?It is sort kind of portal that used my millions of user to communicate each other.There were many Social Networking sites created these days such as Twitter,Facebook,Myspace, and etc.Most of these sites created to help users communicate each other even they are not in the same place.User can put their pictures and communicate.

But did you know beside communication social network also can be use to make money online.Is it true?The answer is YES.Many people didn't realize that by using these sites we can generate money online.For example there are many advertisers that use social networking to promote their product.For example,in twitter advertiser will look Twitterer to tweet about their products.Then they will pay accordingly.People that have twitter account can register with sites like or maybe (in Malaysia).

Now days we can see that celebrities also use these Social Network sites to tell about their activities and also concert.So with all these sites they can save a lot of money to promote something.For example,Kelly Clarkson concert was announce in Twitter and also in Facebook.So it help the celebrities.

In other scenario,many people use these sites to declare personal war.For example if A doesn't like B.Then, A will use social sites to condemn B.And some more people will make one group to show that they hate something.So these scenario shouldn't be happen in social networking.So as an adult we should know and do something that can give benefit to us.Use the Social network wisely and gain something from it.

For more article on Social Networking Sites Change The Use Of The Internet click the link.

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