-= GLaSs TypE HeArt =-

Actually i translate this phrase from a Malay phrase "Hati Kaca" and maybe it sound a bit like Nirvana song "Heart Shape Box"(sorry Cobain i didn't mean to steal your idea).I wrote this entry just because to show that even i look like agro but my heart still got a feeling call LOVE and actually i am not telling that i am JIWANG ok(owh plllleeeeaaasseeee...).I am not a guy that listen to AXL song OK!!!

Ok for me it is not a problem for someone to be a lover.To love and be love is actually a need as a human.I think it is also not a problem if we cry because of love.Frankly speak i also cry (minus when the time i was born..).I will cry because of 3 situation:

1) If something happen to my Family
2) Broke Up with my GirlFriend(now not anymore...ahaha)
3) Children(i love children and kids..ahaha)

Talking about children...Have you heard about what happen to Baby Ammar.Wah so sad...I can't imagine if i was his father.Baby Ammar is suffering Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) since birth.He needs around RM12000 for the cost of he's operation.Can you imagine it's a big amount of money(off course la for his parent not him).So how about we help him by sacrificing our earning.We can find money but we can't buy soul.

Nuffnang is now doing some charity by giving donation to this Baby Ammar(isn't he cute...).HOW to donate???It is easy...so as a nuffnangers we have the ads account right.So how about change the advertiser ads to charity ads.HOW???Follow this steps :

1) Go To Blog Manager :

2) Go to Ads Preference
3) Change Global CPC to Show Charity Ads

And finaly your ads will become like this :

It's easy right.Just stop thinking about our profits and benefits for awhile.Maybe it is just a small help but at least we help.Today i am organizing a blogger mini gath.Eyriqazz suggested that we should collect some 's money and bank it to Ammar mother's account.I think it is a good idea.We help people that maybe when we need help people will help us.
If maybe some of the silent readers wants to help just bank in your donation to :

Azmaniza Mohamad Kamal – 514093114912 (Maybank)
To read more about Baby Ammar just go to this blog...

p/s :
- I can't see a little kid like this suffering to survive.Hopefully i can help him a bit.
- I am proud to be a nuffnangers.
- I am a guy who full of sins so better do something that can wash out my dirt...

Korang Mesti Nak Baca Gak

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