-= NuFFiE Vs InNItY =-

Hye there just got back from bowling tournament in Ole2 Plaza in Shah Alam.I don't want to be Mr Mama today so i decided to join the tournament together with CikHel.Many things happened this morning before i reached Ole2.My china phone is now showing the symptom of "china sickness".So i didn't have any phones at the moment(statement that can make me win the Blackberry...haha).So Celcom please give me the phone i am not kidding.YES i don't have phone right now now now...I have to win the contest.

So i open my bloglist to do blog walk.As usual i will go to Kak Ina KL blog because it can make my hungy feeling chop off...haha.Then i read her new entry about Nuffie and Innity.To readers that don't know what is Innity let me tell you.It is another brand of blog advetisement company same as nuffnang.If you don't know nuffnang better you close your blog...(haha just kidding).I don't know what is the different between these two big ads giant.But all that i heard many blogger changed to Innity now.WHY???Ask them la i am not Innity members even my heart is jumping and have intention to change(hope nuffie didn't read this statement).

According to most of the blogger that have use Innity,they earn a lot of money.Wow!!!Is it just want to change my mind or is it real.I DON'T KNOW...If you want to know just try it(i dont want nuffi to rub out my gliteratti status OK!!!).So to fullfil my gogo attitude i try to surf the Innity site...(just visit ok no further action even got a bit intention...ahaha).But after looking at the requirement i think i will back off because...Just read the requirement here.

For me i think i am qualified for most of the requirement but there are 2 things that made me back off :

Websites must have a minimum of 15,000 Pageviews per month on average
Wah 15000 meh...it's a lot man...(for me not for nara or ynaa...ahaha)

Websites must have a minimum of 3,000 Unique Visitors per month.
3000 meh...Owh no!!!!Maybe another 5 month can lol...

So after reading this requirement i think i am not interested in innity(actually not qualified...huhu). So better stick to the nuffie because actually i earned a lot from them.So please give me more ads and also dont forget expensive advertorial OK...ahaha(am i qualified for that???).I think it's no point to go to Innity because i don't know either they got free screening and event like nuffnang or not.


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