-= WoKe uP AfTer HeaVy RaIn =-

Hm...it's hard for me to accept when The KOP havent got any win since last 8 games(DEM!!!) but yesterday The KOP finally got their first win and bring back 3 points from Goodison Park...Finally Liverpool FC woke up.!!!Yeay!!! See Benitez if you didn't put Carragher ang skrtel in the same game we can get3 points even the match was in opponent's place.

Even i didn't watch the match yesterday but when i see the line up i can see that we can bring back 3 points to anfield.A lot of people asking me Can Liverpool win this season title.For me if The KOP can win all the games without draw or lost maybe we can still be the top contender.But after this if The KOP can't continue their best for like yesterday so "BYE2 Primere League" same like Champions league.

So Liverpool please watch out for the next game.If we cant get the Champions League at least we still have chance to win the European Cup. (at least we have cup).As a biggest fan of The KOP hopefully we can get at least one cup for this season and i was hoping that Aquilani can play for more that 50 minutes and can form a good combination with Gerrard and Torres.

-= Bye2...Pulang HomeTown!!! =-

Hye all bloggers and readers.Happy Raya Haji...Actually this is just short entry to inform all of you that i'll be not writing any articles or entry for about three days.(ya lo cuti ma!!!).It is because i have to go back to Johor celebrating my Hari Raya Haji (even i think it is too late)...So pray for my journey and i will write back in this blog maybe in Monday(off course my working day...ahaha)

So Bye!!!!

-= SoCiaLiZe & EaRn MonEy =-

Hye "Selamat Hari Raya AidilAdha" to all Muslim.As i write this article i am alone in my house celebratingThe Haj Eid because my wife is currently working and sacrifice her time to work.All i can do is just accept and writing in this blog without having meals with all my family member.(sorry mama i can't be with you to celebrate this Hari Raya).

Sometime we have to sacrifice something to earn something else.We have to admit that without sacrificing anything in our lives we cant achieve something that we want.That is the meaning of Hari Raya Aidil Adha.Then why there were still people that only likes to gain without loose.They dont want to sacrifice anything but yet still want to gain something.For example like marriage.We will never get married if we cant sacrifice our precious time,sacrifice our money(except kene tangkap khalwat la...), and the important thing is to sacrifice our FREEDOM!!!So bare in mind that without "SACRIFICE" we will never gain anything.

Today i would like to share with all of the readers about social networking.There were many social networking now such as Friendster,Myspace,Facebook,Yuwie, and many more.As i woke up from sleep last 3 days e read 1 email about another social network called PeopleString.

Peoplestring is another social network that we can use as an element to promote our product and share about anything.Beside that we can earn money by using it services such as send email,chat and even playing games.Another one thing we will still get paid by accessing other services like facebook,myspace, or even our mails.The special thing is it is FREE.So come and join me in Peoplestring and earn money together.

What is Peoplestring and how we can earn :

-= LinKWorTh =-

It's almost 1 o'clock but still havent took my lunch yet.Dont know what to eat for lunch abd still thinking.Tomorrow is another celebration day in Islam or should i say for Muslim called "Hari Raya Aidilfitri".And the important thing is tomorrow is a Holiday!!!"Yeay!!!".

As for today i just want to review about one source for all the blogger to earn money.As we know a lot of blogger outsite there updates their blog everyday(for me almost 3 entries per day).They usually write about what they like for example like politics,economy,marketing and almost have of blogger write about their personal life nad share opinions with others.I think about 70% of us were blogging to earn something from our blog(including me).

I just found out one more source for us(blogger) to earn money from our writing.Beside we earn from ads that come from advertiser like nuffnang,google adsence,advertlets or bla bla bla.We can also earn money just by writing articles in our blog.Then i try and sign up for Linkworth.
Linkworth is a portal that we can earn money by writing articles in our blogs.The articles topic was choosen by the advertiser and they wil pay us accordingly.As i read about Linkworth many blogger said that it is worth it sign up and write any topic that they ask to according to the advertiser.And many reviews from the blogger said that we can earn more money here.

So why not to give a try and before this i have tried nuffnang and i got the pay check already.Because most of the blogger outsite Malaysia had earned a lot of money just by writing entries and post.So i already got an assignment for linkworth and try.May it will be my starting point to earn money from my blog.And the important think is it is FREE to signup!!!

p/s :
- at least if didn't earn money we got a topic to write in our blog and it will drive traffic so we can get more ads from Nuffnang.

-= ThANk GoD You SaVe Me =-

Alhamdulillah raya hajipun nak dekat dah.Hari ni pagi2 ada something yang buat saya sedih.Sebab apa???Sebab saya dihina oleh seseorang.Even saya xtunjuk yang saya sedih tapi it's hard for me to accept when people insult me because actually i never ever or even thinking to insult other people.
Selepas peristiwa pagi tadi saya terfikir, adakah hormat itu letaknya pada wang ringgit,perwatakan, ataupun personaliti seseorang (setau saya saya kacak...hahaha).

Ntahla...Apa yang boleh saya buat just teruskan hidup and clear up my mind.dan seperti biasa teman "gay" saya iaitu ROKOK byk berjasa(xtaula DUNHILL tu jantina apa...rasa lelaki kot)...Saya seorang yang susah nak menagis(kalau Aznil suruh saya nangis kat dlm MMA kompem org ketawa!!!) tetapi nak kawal hati memang susah that's why la saya perlukan rakan "gay" saya untuk membantu.

Setelah saya menghilangkan tekanan bersama
rakan "gay" saya kembali normal dan dapat berfikir secara waras.And then tanpa diduga datang satu peluang yang saya xsangka2.sebelum saya pergi opis tadi saya cume ada RM2(pergh miskin gile mamat nih) je dalam wallet.tapi berkat doa n maybe Allah nak tunjuk KUASA(bukan koperasi usahawan muda KL ye) Allah dalam masa 3 jam je wallet saya berisi RM250.Betulla cakap guru Metaphisic saya iaitu Daddy "A" :

"In our life we have to struglle and depend on our Creator(ALLAH).Believe me that CREATOR will never let the creation live in horrible life.If we seek and ask help or guidance then he will give help to

Kadang2 kite cume tau yang kite susah tapi kite terlupa yang kite juga adalah ciptaan yang memang lemah.So bile dah tau diri tu lemah pandai2la mintak tolong.Bukan asyik nak menyalahkan orang lain orang yang paling teruk menyalahkan takdir.So just igt :

"Jadilah kite seperti bayi yang baru dilahirkan.Ia akan menangis apabila inginkan susu dan ibu bapa akan segera mencari susu untuk bayi"
(maksudnya : sekiranya kite dalam kesusahan mintakla pertolongan dari-Nya nescaya Allah akan segera memberi pertolongan yang kite tak duga kehebatannya)

-= My TaUgHt & TalK BeCome ReAL =-

(Last Goal From Ngog for Champions League)

As i taught that "The Reds" will not gonna make it to the next stage of Champions League.You want to know WHY???It is all because Benitez doesn't study his team well.I understand that it's hard to be a manager but for me if he studied about his player it should have been a problem.We look at Chelsea form nowdays they can go futher and score goals(MANY!!).WHY???Because Ancelloti knows the ability of his player but it is different from Benitez that always want to be a "chemical professor" all the time.Keep on experementing all the players.Suppose he shoud study the player before transfer windows open.The the result is "Out We Go..."

Benitez always think that everygame is a starter but he havent or should i say will not thinking about the suitable formation and the good "pair" for the team.For example he always like to put SKRTEL to play with CARAGGHER.Does it make sence.NO!!!These two guys cant play together.And if they combined together to match will turn up SUCKS!!!I understand that we have many injured player but we still have another player why should we depend on TORRES but we still have KUYT.Why does he likes to use SKRTEL rather than AURELIO or AYALA.than for what you invest money to buy them.
Everytime i analyst "The Reds" game.But it is all the same using 4-4-2 and still keep his faith on SKRTEL come on!!!

So as a Die Hard Fan Of the Anfield i begging Benitez to aware about this situation.We have lost in Champions League and we are also in the mid table of BPL(cant you SEE!!).

Is this what we call Elite team or shouls i say The Best Team!!!NO!!!

-= Hey Ho Lets Go =-

Sekali dengar macam lagu the ramones kan.Memangla ni tajuk lagu The Ramonespun.Mesti korang2 pelik kan dah byk entri yang saya tulis semua in English kan.Macam yang pernah saya cakap la saya terpaksa men"Johny English"kan blog ni untuk tarik visitor.So hope korang x bosan eh baca.Bukan apa excited n xsabar nak tunggu hasil AOP.kalau korang nak tau apa tu AOP bolehla gi baca kat official blog die (AOP blog).Lagi bape hari je comission akan diagihkan so hopefully boleh masyuk la.

So dah masa untuk saya balik.Dah pukul 6 dah (kalau tunggu lamapun bukan dapat OT).So doakan kejayaan saya next week untuk AOP.Malam ni xjadi plak nak makan ngan Family sebab adik saya kene standby.So kite jume malam karang kat dalam blog ni ataupun kat facebook ok...sesape yang belom add saya dalam FB kat sebelah kiri blog ni ada batch so pandai2 la add eyh...

Dengarkanlah lagu The Ramones - Hey Ho Lets Go!!! :

-= MoNdaY Vs TuesDay =-

People normally will feel boring on Monday but it is different with me.For this week i feel today is the most boring day because the internet was seem crawling like a snail.I cant do anything as it will disconnectautomatically.

As i can only read mails so i decided to read the mails and deleted what that is not important in my inbox...While i was deleting mails i discovered one mails that send to me from Soren & Cindy (i dont know who they are...sorry).And inside the mail they attached one PDF file named
"Blogging as a sport - Blogger starter kit"

Ok...let me share with all of you about what is the important thing before we can start blogging inside our blog (off course for blogger that blogging for money)

The Important steps that we should do before earning or maybe before we wrote entry are :

- Define Your Niche (niche is equals to subject) -
So before we write anything in our blog it doesn't matter if it is personal or business blog,It is important for us to think first about the subject that can attract people to reads our entries.

- Choose a Name For Your Blog -
Name is important.WHY???because name determined who we are and what we write.For example if our entries is about fun and excitement then seek a name that can make people happy.
(OoooPs i think i should change my Blog Name...ahahaha)

- Choose Your Blog Component Correctly -
This is including all the header,sidebar,post.An interesting blog will have all these component with a correct order and also in your post you should put picture or maybe video to make people feel the excitement (remember don't put too many video as it will make your blog slow at the opening).
You can also put widgets in your blog to make it happening and attract readers.And you can find a lot of blog widgets ay widgeo.net.

- Must Hardworking -
If you to be a success blogger you have to be hardworking for example you have to always update your content.WHY???If you always update your post people will always come to your blog to read(for me one post one day is enough).And when you cant update people will wait for your post and check everyday(if only your entries was good).We also have always to read other blogger post then put our link to their blog.WHY???
"When you serve something good to other people they will do the same thing to you"
This is what we call respect each other.

- Promote Your Link -
This is hard for some of us.But we have to do it if we want to success.Go to any
forum or promote you link in social networking such as Facebook, Myspace, Friendster
or PeopleString.

- Dont Give Up -
This is the important key.If we give up easily so we may lost our profit.Don't hesitate
to try anything that can bring you traffic.

p/s :
- For nuffnangers if you want more ads appear in you blog so bare in mind that
you have to search for traffic because they will not send ads to the blog that
have only 1 visitors per day.

- Just sharing together will all of the blogger out there.Hopefully we can make money togther!!!

-= DEM!!! SLoW=-

Hm...Thank god internet is still alive and kicking...(is it???)...
I always thinking that there is another wired internet provider
maybe all the office in Malaysia will change to another on because...
(just think why...)
I am so lucky that my house is using P1 WIMAX and POTONG all the internet wire...

I have to wait about an hour for the connection that seems like a crawling snail to be fixed and i cant do anything.I cant email,i cant blogging,i cant send quotation,and the most important thing is i cant "FB"ing(facebook)...I think everybody's like me...ahaha...

Just now i got a lot of ideas to write but when the connection got problem all the idea blew away...So hopefully the internet will get well soon(ahaha)...I need to use it for completing my task.

p/s :
- If you can read this blog...FYI i have tried to post it for 5 times already and that's mean it was published on the 6 times...ahahaha(isn't it slow!!!)

-= PeoPle StrIng=-

Morning to all bloggers same as before i would like to share with all of you about to make money online.But before that i need you to clear all the negative taught in you mind then we can make money together.Today as usual i open my emails and i received an email inviting me to register for a new social network called PeopleString.The concept is actually same like Facebook but the best thing is we can earn money from what we usually do in facebook.I am not asking all of you to leave Facebook(because actually i am one of the Facebook addict) just create an account in PeopleString without leaving out your profile in Facebook(Mozilla Firefox can open many tabs right!!!)...

How about we give it a try because as you all want to hear this social network is FREE to join.So come and join me in the society and earn money together with PeopleString...

(click the link to join...ITS FREE!!!)

-= TwiLigHt SaGa (NeW Moon)

Actually i write this post is just to get the free passes for the premiere screening of "Twilight - New Moon".Hopefully i get a pair of tickets even though it was too late for me to send this entry.

Why i like this movie is because the storyline is the BEST and i like to watch horror plus ROMANTIC movies.This story was very sweet plus the lighting technic was very good.For the first sequels i had watched it for almost 3 times.So hope the "New Moon" will bring me mood of love...ahaha
(eventhough i watch it just because to see the main actress...ahaha)

-= AttEnTioN tO AlL BlOggErs (yang GiLe DuiT)=-

Hye attention to all blogger buddies around me.ahaha...Maybe some of us have been in blogging for along time but still didn't get anything for your post or even your interesting entries.Ok beside we use Nuffnang to earn money from their ads how about we try to use other source that can monetized our blog.I am sure most of us blogging just for fun and express our feelings.But how about we add another element to blogging environment to make we feel better when we write our blog.
How about we twist our thinking from FUN to EARN(of course when we earn money we will fell fun and HAPPY).So i discovered an ads community that we can use to earn money.The community was called PAYPERPOST!!!

What is PAYPERPOST...PayPERPOST is Actually similar like Nuffnang.But the thing is in PAYPERPOST we just have to write for the advertiser about their products and they will pay us accordingly.We just choose what product that we want and then get PAID!!!Besides getting pay after we registered to this community we can share about our blog to other blogger all around the world and off course we will get more traffics.Then what are you waiting for.Just sign up and share while earn with PAYPERPOST and it is TOTALLY FREE!!!

(you can click links and also the Banner above)...Come on It's FREE!!!

-= SunDay Itu AhaD =-

hye semua...Mesti korang semua pening baca blog ni lately kan...yela tetiba bukak isu pasal internet marketing pulak (xkan nak bukak cite pasal porno plak...xdtg korang masuk blog ni).Actually tgh bosan n skang tgh nak start balik tabiat lama iaitu internet marketing.So xsalah kalau saya share apa yang saya nak buat n dah buat dalam blog ni.N then xnak jadi mental blocked person...yela semua xnak cube...semua bende negative sampai bile nak maju.Saya masih berpegang teguh dengan :
"Law OF Attraction"
(nak tau apa tu law of attraction baca ni)

Pastu saya saje je buat post gune english sebab nak praktis menulis n yang paling best tarik visitor luar Malaysia datang masuk blog ni.Then bile visitor luar byk masuk blog ni visitor jadi byk n bile visitor makin byk Nuffanang kasi byk iklan.n Lastly bile byk iklan die place dalam blog ni maka bykla duit masuk...ahaha...Tamak tak saya...

Ni last entry untuk minggu ni dan saya rase minggu ni saya berjaya kekalkan misi saya iaitu
"Satu Post Satu Hari"
Dan saya akan teruskan bende ni untuk meraih simpati nuffnang supaya memberi saya iklan dalam blog saya untuk diklik...sekarang susah woo mau dapat iklan...So kepada sesapa yang nak iklan Nuffnang untuk diklik rajin2kanla diri update blog...bukan apa just extra income kan.Bile dapat duit barula semangat nak buat somthing tu...(bunyi cam xikhlas plak...huhu)

Oklah nak rehat jap coz today is Sunday and Sunday ialah Ahad...Ahad adalah hari rehat.Sebab tadi dah penat kemas rumah together2 ngan wife.

Qoute Of The Day :
"If think positive you'll attract anothe positive energy to your interest.To be positive You must be Happy.So just happy with your life and you'll get what you want and you'll know your creator..."

-= MaILiNg SyTem To ProMotE PrOducT =-

Hye we meet again through blog..ahaha...Do you remember that in my last entry i have wrote about some of the internet marketing and i am very sure that many of us scare to join because it use money right.Of course there is nothing that can make money except you invest your money first.
Some of us scared that if you subscribe than dont know how to spread and promote the link.Today i would like to share to all of you about one of the way for us to us and do promotion about our product by using email and you only have to type an email about your product and send to many people around the world.It is one of the effective ways to reach other peoples out there withouht using words.

The system was called LISTJOE.com.You can use this system as one of the marketing tools and brings you many affiliates refferals.And if you affraid about the cost!!!Now i am telling you that this system is totally free but you have to surf other members webpage to earn credits for mailing purpose.you also can earn money by reffering other people to use this system.Subscribe NOW and start using LISTJOE for FREE!!!

Pay Per Post

The best thing about blogs, they just keep going

-= MaKe MoNeY OnLiNe =-

Another one more opportunity for us to make money online

Last week i have discovered an online system that can generate money automatically.The system called AutomaticOnlineProfit and the system are most similar like Vemmabuilder.Why???Because it will automatic gives you infinity down line that enroll after you have sign up and became a member.That's why the system call AutomaticOnlineProfit.ahaha...

Some people will ask :
"Is it free"
"Is it SCAM or what"

and the answers are:
"Yes registration is free but to upgraded and make our selves eligible to received we have to pay the membership fee.And again nothing is free in this world nowadays."

"No because it is registered"

So again before you want to join you have to register for paypal because the the payment method is using paypal system.And paypal is FREE!!!
To be a pre-enroll member just register and you can get the access to the system but you cant earn before you pay the membership fee that is $12 or equals to RM45.60(Basic Member...Like me!!!)
So why dont you give a try because the system will make the pay out on 30th of November(10 more days).I just want to share with you about this opportunity because before this i don't believe any
internet marketing system.So i give it a try.Because it is cheap and also easy.

-= ACME search engine =-

It is juasy an opportunity for us to gain experience in internet marketing and also to make money while other people using our own search engine.I have just try it and i have earned about $145 along this 24 hours.So how about you...Of course it is not free because we have to buy the domain but we will proceed with the payment after we have received the commission of $125 for the first time...all the payment was made through paypal.So you have to get a paypal account first before you can sign up ACME.Dont worry registering paypal personal account is free...

So that's all that i can share will all of you...If you want to make money along with me why not give a try and i am not forcing you to follow me but just sharing...because if you Happy and i will feel Happy for you too...If you got problem on signing the account you can just add me in Yahoo Messenger id : mafia_burung...

Quotes :
- Dont talk about glorious and a better life if you can sacrifice what you like and what you love -

-= 2012 LaGeY =-

Hm...semalam gi tgk wayang kat e@Curve(Cineleisure)...
Pergh cite die even ngarutpun tapi buat saya nak tgk tanpa gangguan...
Wife sayapun bengang sebab saya xlayan pertanyaan die...
Tapi apa2 pun memang cite die best even totally Graphic la kan...

Sebenarnya say xbape minat nak tgk cite2 yang berkenaan ngan hari kiamat...
Byk dah cite mcm tu kuar contohnya Independent day,End of Days, etc
tapi saya xminatpun nak tgk tapi 2012 bile wife saya kata nak tgk saya ye kan je...
Banyak pengarajan yang kite boleh dapat bile tgk cite ni...

Sebelum nipun saya ada buat post pasal 2012 ni...
n byk jugak blogger yang tulis pasal angka ni...
Kalau nak baca ni entry nya :
Dunia Akan Musnah

Pada hakikatnya semua bende akan lupus termasuk dunia yang
kite duduk ni sebab ni semua adalah ciptaan tuhan yang kekal
hanyalah Tuhan(Allah) bende ni diakui oleh semua kitab dan semua agama...
Selepas habis tgk cite ni saya terpk n mula perasaan
bahawa xkire apapun bangsa percaya dan tahu bahawa akan
tiba satu hari di mana semua umat manusia akan pupus (tapi tarikhnya kite xtau)
cuma 2012 itu adalah satu ramalan yang mana Kaum Mayan
meramalkan posisi semua planet termasuk matahari akan selari dan
akan menyahstabilkan gravity dan darjah kepanasan bumi.
So dalam cite nipun ternyata diorang just ikut cite n ramalan Kaum Mayan(SEBIJIK!!!)

Dan bagi siapa yang dah tgk kalau perasaan gambaran dalam cie nih
adalah malapetaka yang akan terjadi sama dengan malapetaka yang menimpa
Kaum Nabi NOH dan dalam kapal yang digunakan dalam cite 2012 juga
ada seorang yang bernama NOAH(NOH) iaitu anak kepada hero cite ni
n jalan cite diepun sama iaitu selamat dengan menggunakan kapal...
N kalau kite renungkan at the end of cite ni semua manusia menuju ke
satu tempat yang sama iaitu Cape Town (Tanjung Pengharapan) dan jika diteliti
dalam Islam n al-Quran jugak ada sebut selepas Qiamat semua manusia akan
dikumpulkan di satu tempat yang dinamakan Padang Masyar...

So terbukti yang semua ajaran mempercayai bende yang sama...
xkire apa agamapun tetap percaya pada tuhan dan tetap percaya yang
khari Qiamat(end of days) akan tiba cume yang xbetulnya cite ni ialah
selepas Hari Qiamat mana ada satu manusiapun yang boleh selamat...
n xde satu haiwanpun yang akan boleh diselamatkan dan last thing xde apa2pun
yang boleh halang hari qiamat dari terjadi...So renung2kanla ye...Jangan
terpengaruh sgt dengan cite ni just amik iktibar yang kite ni masih belom bersedia
untuk menhadapi Hari Qiamat walaupun diberi 1000 tahun lagey...Betul tak???

p/s :
- Jangan kite pk sgt tentang bile nak qiamat sebab itu kerja tuhan...kite just tunggu n bersedia
- 2012 adalah ramalan je so jgn lepas tgk cite ni semua pakat nak beribadat je,dah xnak keje
pastu jual semua harta...(xboleh macam tu dalam Islam kite dituntut mencari rezeki jugak!!!
- Manusia adalah ciptaan tuhan dan hanya hamba.Sedangkan Nabi Muhammad yang digelar
kekasih Allahpun xtau bile hari qiamat inikan kite manusia yang hina.
- Kalau Allah nak tarik balik apa yang kite alami xpayah tunggu qiamat esokpun boleh jadi
sebab apa yang tuhan kehendaki ia pasti akan terjadi.Kite just boleh bersedia dan buat
rutin cam biasa...
- So lastly dont' interfere with what that you cant effort to do...Anything could happen

-= POtOng KeLaPa (PhoToGraPheR)=-

Hari ni hari yang kurang bz sebab saya dah siapkan 60% LAB komp
yang diamanahkan kepada saya..n tinggal 40% that is installing OS
yang masih belum boleh dibuat kerana DUIT xdpt lagey untuk beli
OS tersebut yang berharga RM485 sekotak(ye ke kotak???)
So LAB pending until saya dapat peruntukan untuk beli 16 KOTAK OS...
Ini bermaksud bile dapatnya OS tersebut saya kene buat installation
sebanyak 16 biji PC dalam masa satu hari...(pergh lemau seyh)...

Oklah straight forward tadi saya ada browse webpage yang berkaitan ngan
camera & photo so ada satu clan ni buat offer untuk semua photographer
if sesape yang ade amik gambo lawo2 xkisah gambo ape2pun(bukan gambo lucah ye...)
boleh hantar kat page diorang n gambar yang cantik akan dibeli oleh diorang...
Pastikan gambar tersebut di"snap" bukan di"edit" dengan photoshop
(kalau edit akupun boleh...)
So To all Photographer please submit your picture to :

Click Here!

Just sharing with all the photographer sebab selain dari korang buat duit tepi
tangkap gambo orang kawin korang boleh gak earn something dari webpage ni..

-= xKaN BerKuBuR =-

Halo everybody!!!(gaya uncle stanley spanar jaya)...
Haha kalau baca tajuk looks like macam nak tulis
entry yang sedey tapi anda silap!!!hahahaha...
dah lama xtulis entry rase cam xbest plak...
(kurang la duit advertising aku...!!!argh!!!)
Bukan malas nak tulis entry tapi bz gile ar...
Kat tempat baru ni kene buat pembaharuan...
System agak kelam kabut n saya selaku IT Specialist yang terkenal
kat Malaysia ni terpaksa buat keje belakang tabir(pergh mcm org wayang la plak)
So sorry la kepada reader n blogger yang selalu blog walking
n tertunggu2 entry berkualiti dari saya...

Lageypun saya baru lepas pindah umah so agak bz nak arrange n beli barang2 apa yang patut...(yela suami mithali plak kan)...
Ekcelli misi saya untuk satu hari satu entry xtercapai tetapi
seperti mana tajuk entry saya hari ni saya akan pastikan yang
misi ni xberkubur...saya tetap akan buat start from NOW!!
n banyak gak yang saya nak kongsi selama saya menghilangkan diri
dari arena WWE ni...So To all bloggers apa kate kite sahut cabaran
ADA BERAN KA!!!bukan apa kite sama2 untung...kalau korang buat
duit hepi sayapun hepi jugak so sesama hepi xde la GADUH2!!!

Korang Mesti Nak Baca Gak

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