-= SuNdAy MoRniNg =-

I was shocked this morning after woke up from sleep.DEM my traffic was decreased more than half.Yesterday i updated my blog very late because of the Internet Provider give me a very GOOD service and i can't update my blog!!!Thank you to internet provider that give me such a good service (after this if there is no coverage in my area please tell the truth.My college need internet for business lol).

Just forget about the traffics.Another thing that i think has distracted my emotion this morning is about one SMS (Short Message System or malay siad Suke Mencari Susah) that i received this morning.This is the content :

"To All Fellows try to think...
27/11/09 Raya Haji - Friday...
18/12/09 Hijrah New Year - Friday...
25/12/09 Christmas eve - Friday...
01/01/10 New Year - Friday...
12/02/10 - Prophet Muhammad Birth - Friday...
02/04/10 YESUS Death - Friday...
28/06/10 Wesak Day - Friday...
27/08/10 Nuzul Quran - Friday...
10/09/10 Hari Raya Aidilfitri - Friday...
05/11/10 Deepavali - Friday..."


Ok let me tell you.YES in quran we was told that End Of Days is on Friday but Only GOD(Allah) that knows when it will happen.Why should we do such a ridiculous research like this rather than doing worship to ALLAH.We already knew that it will come and it is close.So beside sending and spreading this message better we get close to ALLAH not sending this SMS.

Why should we do the thing that can't even change our faith to our own religion.The thing that we should really do is pray.No matter what your religion we were all slaves.Even Prophet Muhammad didn't know When the actual date of KIAMAT so as his follower we suppose to increase our worship and pray to ALLAH.

For example if we spread this SMS to other people that didn't have strong mentallity we will make them feel bad and then they will do something that can destroy themselves.So we are adult enough to think.Don't try to do something that can destroy our faith to the religion.KEEP ON PRAYING...

p/s :
- to the SMS sender i am not condemning what you are doing.it is good for us to remind each other but please do something that can benefit us.Anyways thanks for the reminder.
- We all should know that it is beyond our power to find what date is it.Just leave it to ALLAH because only ALLAH that have power and we are just GOD(ALLAH) slaves. 
- Don't be a MAYAN that think they are super genius and knew everything that will happen in the future(or maybe it was just an accident...They are bot GOD).

 - credit to this website for the artwork...

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