-= WhaT Da HacK!!! =-

Hye morning guys!!!Don't know what to say if in the early morning,i have been distract by somebody that only knows how to use people rights to make themselves confortable.I am not a kind of stinggy person but please do respect my blongings.You want to know why???Let me show what do i really mean by the statement...

(This is the prove to show that they are so annoying) 

Why???Ok we look after i click their links(to blog crawling...) :

(What tha ...Did you think my blog is Mudah.com or what!!!)

It is not easy for us to be a blogger.We write entry...We find traffics but there are still people that like to use us for their own sake.Just think if you you want to advertise in mudah.com even it is free you have to ask their permission to advertise.But these people just simply put this stupid links inside our blogs just for their own benefits.

I don't even bother if you want to advertise your blog links in the chat box.Its ok for me because i can read your blog and i can help you to bring traffics to your blog (blogger help blogger ma!!!) but please don't show this attitude(like the pic).I pay for this domain so if you want to advertise your products please ask me first.All product advertising is not free(even nuffnang pay me for the ads).

p/s :
- I didn't mean to bring your business down.I am also an internet marketer so i know the rules.
- For other blogger it's fine with me if you want to put your blog links in this blog.Because if i think that you blog can attract me i will follow and put the link in my blogwalking list.
- If you want to promote your products for free just go to freeadvertising.com.I have mention it in my previous post.
- To be an internet marketer we should know the law...Don't break the law ok...



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