Wah tq for all the readers and blogger that always support this boring and dull blog.If not because of you and you and you...YES ALL of YOU i will never got the spirit to write and will never got this :
(Stats for this week)
I show this stats not because i want to show off(show off with this little stats are you crazy!!!shame man) but just to show to all of you that i need your visit to my blog and also as an appreciation to your visit.That's why i work hard to make this blog interesting(is it???).
But the one that i really curios is about this :
(Uiks!!!Hani Tarmizi...Who Is This)
I am still wondering who is this Hani Tarmizi anyway.Everyday i got hit under her name(should i pay her royalty...ahaha..hell no!!!).I never wrote anything about her and i also don't know who da hell she is(is she a celebrity or what??).But anyway Tq to her coz give me some of the visitor.
Pray for me for this blog.I will keep on writing if you guys still support and read this blog.And now struggling to get higher PR(why mine still 0/10 owhh...no last time when in blogspot at least 2/10???).Can somebody tell me what happened???I still cant get it why suddenly after i change domain my PR become 0(huh!!!very sad).I check it twice but the result is ...
(My latest PR...Owh No!!!)
So if there is anybody that can help me to adjust this situation please come to the front and leave your IC number and passport size picture(wow!!!like orientation right..) and help me to improve on this...PLEASEEEEEE!!!!
p/s :
- Hopefully can achieve more that 300 unique like Kak Ina...(am i too greedy!!!)
- To all visitors i would like to say :
"Kak Nita sayang semua...sayang sangat sampai kiamat!!!"