-= DiGi InTeRnEt PiMP My DaY =-

Alhamdulillah...after waiting for long at last i found out that my team was selected by nuffnang to attend the "Digi Internet Pimp My Day".You don't know how excited i am after knowing that my team was selected because everyday i check my mail to confirm the event!!!Yeay!!!

I have been like a crazy man and almost feel depress after checking the mails.DEM...But today i try to search at every blog that have been seleted to the event.Then i found out that the mail was in the SPAM box.ahahah!!!That's y i feel very weird coz i have never been left by the Nuffnang!!!(ahaha off course ma on the way to be the Top Blogger!!!)

(mail from Nuffnang!!!)

(Vatos Locos SELECTED!!!YEAY!!!)

So to any other teams let compete to win the prizes.Just clean challenge  accepted(no dirty suit ok!!!)...Oklah it's time for me to inform other team member!!!Vatos Locos will rock the party Tomorrow.To other blogger pray for our victory OK!!!

Korang Mesti Nak Baca Gak

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