-= MonThLy StaTS For SutERaBloGGer=-

Hye It's me again.Sorry i didn't update this blog yesterday because got a lot of work to do.Nothing to write just want to share my traffic for this month even i know it is not that damn good(hahaha).

(17-23 January stats)

Hm...As you see the stats is increasing daily but on 23rd of January my traffic decreased.Wow it's sad.But it's ok because actually i learn something from this situation.The reason my traffic decreased is because normally i will update my blog 2 times in one day(one in the morning and another one at night) but on 23rd i cant update my blog.WHY???Because the internet was so slow!!!Thanx to the internet provider that give us a great internet connection OK!!!..

(Stats for 24th-30th January)

This is my stats for this week(excluding today) wah every Saturday my traffic will become like this.Actually the situation is the same.I didn't update anything yesterday because no idea and quite BZ!!!(ya lol i am a husband).Actually during this two weeks i am doing one research on my blog.What i have done :

1) I try to change my niche - it looks like a bit success.
2) Update >2 times a day - one of the factor to increase hits
3) Do blogwalking - hehe...like to do this
4) Go to blogger event - like Nuffnang movie or event,blogger gath(wah next week i will organize one)

The summary :

- For me i will update my blog everyday to provide fresh content so maybe can get new visitor everyday
- Read pattern of visiting time by using the analytic in nuffnang.Update your entry before your traffic up(before the time people visiting)
- Visit other blogs and leave your comments so people will go to your blog and leave comment
- Meet other blogger and exchange link and also share your experience blogging

p/s :
- Hope can increase my traffic by February.

-= MaLaySian YoUng N DaNgeRous =-

Huh i am sick of this.All this negative perceptions keep on pushing me to write down about this matter.Actaully we all heard about this a long time ago and it is still happen and we will still bothered by this situation.

Have you heard about one of the "society" that i think now keep on destroying our youngster mind.Before this this society is a secret society(is it).But now it was not anymore.WHY??? Some of the members like to show off and take advantage to other people by using their membership in this society.I am sick of it(come on!!!).Even i also faced up the bad situation with one of the member(DAMN!!!).Should i mention the name...No need lo...

Gangsterism is one of the thing that still happen in our country.Everybody wants to show that they are good and strong(what da...).Many of our youngster wants to join this society to show that they were gangsters...Go out there beat people,take money from other people(pow)...Is this the way of Malaysian(that's why i feel like i wanna quit following this society)???Let me share with you what happened to me...Let me tell you how i deal with this stupid monkeys!!!

One day i was in a hurry to go to the bank(to pay loans ma!!!).So i walk quite fast and then in The Curve i was accidentally ran over one guy(maybe 21 years old) but then i say :

"Sorry bro..."
With a handsome smile to him then continue my journey to the bank because i am in a hurry.After i have settle all my problem(ya lol loan is a problem ypu know???) then i rush back to my office.I went out of the bank and see the guy that i ran over just now with 2 friends.then they call me.I went to see him and ask him what do he want...Then the dialog become like this :

mamat x : bro mai mana???
bean moreno : mai mana???apa tu bro..saya xfaham???
mamat x : aku tanya hang mai mana jawab la...
bean moreno : saya maisara(then smiling)
mamat y : apahal ko ni kurang ajar sgt!!!"Abang" aku tanya jawabla...
bean moreno : Hm...saya xtau apa2 BANG!!!saya orang johor bukan orang kedah..kenapa panggil saya nih...
mamat x : ko dah langgar aku tadi nak buat2 bodoh???(he pushed me)
bean moreno : owh pasal tadi tu ke???kan saya dah mintak maaf saya xsengaja..
mamat x : mak aiyh kerek eyh ko ni...kang aku tumbuk kang!!!hormat skit bro ni die pegang sini...

then i bring out my phone and show it to them.i show the phone number...
bean moreno : Nah skang senang bang...saya dah mintak maaf tapi abang cam gangster la so abang pilih nak soh saya kol sape???sepatutnya awak kene panggil saya abang sebab saya lagey tua..tapi it's oklah saya panggil awak abang tanda hormat.

mamat x : sorry la bang..saya mintak maaf sgt2...xpayah kol la bang...kite settle...
bean moreno : dah la...aku nak cepat...so korang boleh tolong berambus tak???dah blah!!settle..

That was the scenario that i faced with the people that i can called stupid.Maybe the didn't go to school.WHY???because people that go to school is STUDENT but people that didn't go to school is STUPID...It is just becuase my body was quite small(or should i say cute and handsome) people wants to bully me!!!Damn!!!Is this the way Malaysian should be.Think about it.

p/s : 

- Please stop this scenario...can anybody tell me is that good to show your strength!!!
- Please respect all the people no matter who they are!!!
- Hope all the society leader aware before bringing in new member...They all SUCKS!!!
- Stop this kind of mentallity just CHANGE!!!
- Not all the members were SUCKS only few of them...


-= BloG's ReVieW - PaRt 1 - LIFESAVER84 =-

Hye this is my first blog's review.As i promise that i will review some of the blogs that i follow and maybe interesting to me(If you think that it is not interesting it's your problem).Before i reveal the detail about this blog i would like to share something about this Blog's owner.

The owner is female and stayed in Putrajaya with her husband(owh no!!!sorry puan if after this your saham jatuh!!!).Actually she was the first person that i know when i start to write in this blog and we share ideas together(just online ha!!!no dating2...).And she was the first blogger that i meet personally in the real world.And before i forget she was also the first blogger that send me her laptop to be repaired...ahaha...TQ...Her name is Puan Syafa!!!yeay!!!

Blog Interface :

(simple and beautiful interface)

The Owner : Puan Syafa

(The face of mama to be..)

Ok let me tell you what i like about her blog.First of all even the contents were more to her personal life like driving car with her hubby,go to clinic to check pregnancy, and also sometimes about her family but i like her writing style.Simple is "ringkas" pimple is "jerawat".She always write about what she think she likes and people can't influense her to change because what if she wants to write about something happened in the toilet also she will write for example like this post:

 The most thing that really remind me of her and this blog is song called nobody - wondergirl.Because when the first time we started to write in our blog in 2008 we try to make it same as myspace and put autoplay song(right now...owh it's SUCK!!!).She put that song in her blog and now that song was popular.ahaha...One more thing do you see her templates???she never change the template for such a long time.And i like it...So to all of my readers and follower just go and read her post(except for readers outsite Malaysia...But if you wanna read just use the Google translator...ahaha)

p/s :
- Puan Syafa sorry i steal your pic...ahaha...
- Can't wait to see her baby...

Before that was also the first blogger that give me award(ahaha...) in this blogging scene!!!:

Thanx Puan for this wonderful award!!!(wah feel like getting grammy awards...)

-= BlOgS REvIeW =-

Hm maybe this is one way that i can use to write an entry if i didn't have any idea.ahaha.Ya lol not all of us that have creativity all the time and i am one of them.Sometimes we blog and tell something that we have experienced so it's better than nothing right.Anyway i am not a rockstar blogger that always have ideas all the time.

Ok fine...Starts from now onwards i will review some of the blogs that i use to follow.WHY???First reason is to show that i still want to write something in this blog(even when i didn't have any idea).The second one is just an appreciation to all my fellow blogger that i think unique(not unique visitor OK!!!).And the last reason why i am doing this is just because of the traffic for this blog and also for their blog.So that's mean i didn't forget my promise to the blogger...

"Blogger help Blogger"

Take my hands and feel the glorious together!!!

p/s :
(eyriqazz i didn't have any intension to copy cat your idea...ahaha)

-= MaKe MoneY FrOm TwiTTer =-

Hm...I think that i have posted this kind of entry.Just maybe from different source.Ok for blogger that have or use twitter so maybe after this beside you communicate using twiiter try to earn money from it.But don;t worry it is FREE!!!(must highlight this words to impress people...)

What you have to do is just register for twitter and open an account with ChurpChurp.Maybe some of you knew already about this but if you dont just open it at ChurpChurp.com .The concept is just the same like Nuffnang but the style is different.Ok in Nuffnang we earn depends on the advertisement clicked by the visitors but in ChurpChurp we earn depends on our tweets.Isn't that easy???But all the ads was given by ChurpChurp and got its guideline that we must fullfill.

I'll show you the example on my account...

(Front Page)

1- Your Earning - To check your earning

2- Dashboard - To adjust the campaign 

3- Tweets - To see and write the tweets

4- Setting - Account setting

Isn't it easy to use.hm..now we go to how to generate tweets...

1- Go to Tweets -> search tweets instruction :

1 - Instruction - read it carefully or not simple mistake will cause your tweet decline
2 - Compose the tweet there.must follow the instruction

So do you having fun online???Do you feel good to make money???Easy as ABC...Good Luck with your tweets...

-= JokEs Of ThE DaY =-

Hye everybody,morning to all of you(wah seem like a story telling right!!!).Today i just want to write something that different from my niche.What is niche???(not the clothing brand ok.That one is Nicchi...am i right???).Just want to think out of the box...

(Johan & Zizan still rule the show!!!)

I watch "Raja Lawak 4" everyweek(one of my favourite show i think...).For me most of the contestants are not qualified for it.There were only some of them that really can make jokes and if you watch it you'll know.But there was one comedian in the show that i really like to watch.Everyweek i watch "Raja Lawak" just because of him.He is ALEX...

(credit to Murai.com.my)

For me he is a natural comedian and one more entertaining.If you didn't believe me how about watching Raja Lawak 4.Superb that's all the words that can match his performance.Even he is from SABAH but i still can understand what he was trying to say(actually i like sabahan gurl...hukhuk..not vivi ok!!!)

Ok let watch one of his best performance that i think or should i say intelligent jokes..

(ALEX is the great comedian!!!aramaiteee)

p/s :
- I think Chacha will go out this week.He can't make jokes at all(sucks!!!)
- Another comedian that i like is Abang Kassim PonPon...He got the style...

-= WhaT Do BloGGeR wanT =-

Hye...Now it's time for me to reveal what do blogger wants after they have sacrifice(did i sacrifice or wasted my time???huh!!!) their time to write the their blog???Ok it is easy for me there were many things that i really want after i wrote articles in this blog...Let me tell you what did i aspect from my writing...

- Off course this is the main important thing that a blogger need after they have put their effort on their blog(including myself).If you can tell me which blogger that blog and didn't want to get visitor i will treat you a nasi lemak.The reason is just because if they get many visitor that they will feel satisfied(eventhough the entry was "JUNK" like this one...huh!!)

(Visitor Stats)

2) Comments Owh Comments...
This is not a joke.WHY???Because comment for the entry is important to the blogger or writer.But please leave the good comments la(Vivi sorry coz i always leave a comments that...u know la...but i know you like it...wakaka).But for me if you critics me in the comment also i will feel good.I always feel good ma!!!(is it!!!).Went to a blog without comment is just like go to a pot luck without bringing anything.so shame lol..ahaha...For my readers my comments is open to anybody including person with no google ID.So hope you can leave your comments ya...(sad statement...)

(comment please!!!)

3) Ads Clicks 
Wow!!!What is this ha!!!Ok maybe this is a sensitive issue ok.WHY???if we play click2 maybe somebody will write article about this click2.For me clicking ads was one of the important thing that a blogger wants.Because it is their side income.No matter it is Adsense or Nuffnang a blogger aspect the readers to click the ads(tell me who did't want money??)Ok but please wise and to be save don't form any group to click the ads(sensitive ok!!!) just let the readers click the ads that they like.But readers, to support the blogger by clicking the ads(it can motivate the blogger to write more!!!)

(Nuffnang Ads)

I think maybe only these three points that i have in mind right now!!!Maybe you got your own points than write it!!!

p/s :
- To blogger please write something that can benefit other people don't write something stupid like ADUKA...How dare you make fun of my SULTAN!!!Luckily he appologized already...
- Remember "Blogger Help Blogger"


-= TooTh FaiRy ReViEw =-

(Tooth Fairy Poster)

Do you believe in Tooth Fairy.It is a legend,myth , fantasy or real???No matter what it is tooth fairy for is a kind of like Hang Tuah(legend,myth or ???) that we don't know either it exist or not but the important is it can motivate our young one in their life.Believe it or not...Depends on you...

Ok straight to the point.Yesterday i went to TGV OU(nuffnang likes this place...haha) for a Tooth Fairy Screening.This actually my third time watching movie with all the blogger.So it is my responsible to review the movie(wah!!seem like an important person lol..ahaha).So because i came late i got the front seat(what an honour mannn!!!sakit tengkuk la...).

(Tq nuffie...for the tix...send me more OK!!!)

This movie is actually about one ice hockey player call Thompson(The Rock).His task is run over player and the important thing is break their teeth(what da hack!!!).Then they call him Tooth Fairy.

(some of the scene)

But Thompson got some bad attitudes.He will never motivate children to be a better person.And the most imortant thing is he didn't believe in Tooth Fairy.So one day after he said that tooth fairy doesn't exist(I also didn't believe it..OOps no i will be cursed!!!) he was cursed by the tooth fairy organization(haha...what a joke) and he has to be a tooth fairy.He should finish the task that had been given to him and one mistake that he made will cause him 1 week penalty.

(Tooth Fairy God Mother...ahaha)

Thompson try to be the toothfairy according to the rules but he failed.So he decided to do it using his own style...This part was very funny.Toothfairy with ice hockey suit...

(Wow he rawks!!!)

Ok for this this movie is for children but i still have fun watching it because it was very funny.Actually before i went for this movie i was quite stress because of my job yesterday but the movie entertain me very much.So to whom that haven't watch it yet just buy the tickets and watch it.

p/s :
- After went for the screening 3 times already i realize that there were no cine ads.wow!!!but blog ads ok lol...ahaha..So nuffnang please give me mor ads OK!!!I support you...

- watch this trailer :

-= InTeRnEt oR PaGelOad =-

Hm...it's a tiring day!!!Ya off course it's monday lol...Have to do this...have to do that damn like a robot.Everybody can't get connected to the internet so i decided to use student internet connection.OFF COURSE CREAMYX la!!!ahaha...Wah it's a good service you know...(just think it yourself OK)...

Off course the first thing that i must do is open my blog to see all the comments.BUT!!!The worst nightmare happened...Very slow to load the page(page load slow...owh NO!!!my visitor will run away!!!).Then because i have to wait for the loading i went to check my blog speed test(page load).

Just click the link to run the test.Ok it was simple.To whom that doesn't know to run test.first of all go to the website then your screen will appear like this :

(Click to enlarge...but can you see NUFFNANG all the time u know..ahaha)

1 - Type your URL inside the box(dont ask why my domain name got shadow ok...silly question)
2 - Press Check (then wait for the result)

After doing these two simple way now it's time for the result!!!...

(Wah my pageload same like Gaban when he wants to change suit!!!wakak)

So after this test we know that it is not my page load that slow it is just the snail crawling internet service fault.So dear visitor please don't (x) the browser because it was not my blog fault.But i know all of you will wait right!!THAT'S Y...


- Hm i hace to wait until tomorrow for the internet technician to come.Internet speed slow the service also very SLOW!!!(my office didn't have internet service almost one week how to do business lol)
- If your pageload was very slow just del the useless widget in your blog!!! 
- Now you know whose fault is it...

-= TodaY Is MonDay =-

Yeay Monday comes again!!!(do i love monday???sometimes...).Today after i open the computer HR call me for to do something that is not my routine(wah...should i do).But after i have been thinking for a while so i decided to do it even it was not an IT work(I am multitasking robot maaan!!!).And some more CNY- Chinese New Year is around the corner hopefully boss see my effort n give me 5 month bonus(is it possible??)..ahaha..

Today i am feeling good.WHY???because remember the person that owe me 4K just now bank in 1K in my bank(after i threatened him..1K also OK lol better than nothing...).The person promiss me that he will pay the balance on 25th of next month(hopefully it is true...).

Hope this week i can maintain this blog traffic.Or maybe can get more 500 uniques should be better(haha have to be greedy lol...).Many important thing that i have missed out last week(due to blogging addiction..ahaha).One of the hot news was Facebook user have to pay 3.99 pound sterling after July 2010.Wah should we pay for it..??I don't know why that "Jewish" was too greedy(do you want to buy machine guns to destroy Palestine or what???)...I didnt mean to be racist but you must think that if you do that maybe everybody will delete their account and your server will be empty.

You know what???Twitter is still free.That's y i seldom use FB since dec 2009.I have stop playing their games,using their application,and also i didn't upload pic(the one that upload the pic is my wife...).Do you want to know 1 secret???I also don,t know how to TAG pic(funny right but for me it was not important...).So everybody...If you think that it is not worth it paying for that FB fees why not change to other SN that FREE and also can give us chance to earn money(FB supposed to give us the ads royalty ma!!).How about changing to twitter that we can use as a tool to make money(don't know if we also have to pay for Twitter services.huh damn!!!)

- Think wise lets change!!!

-= oWh SwiFt =-

Hye again this is my second entry for today...ahaha...I know some of you are waiting for my latest entry right(wah...feel like a famous writer...hehe...but please don't call me "OTAI").Regarding to this entry title do you think that i want to write about this :

Owh no...not this Swift...I prefer to write about Caldina rather than this Swift.Not my type...(but if Suzuki give me for free what should i say...SEBAT sudah!!!akaka).While i was driving back from office i heard gossip about my 2nd wife(Oooops!!!Hope my baby didn't read this entry).

(Only in dream lol)

I heard that Swift already broke up with Launtner and launtner went back for a relationship with his x girlfriend(Yaks!!!).But it's ok Swift i still have 3 more to go...ahaha..Actually Swift was a talented singer.She can wrote songs and her voice was wow!!!I like to listen to her song and we have similarity(not gender la bro...).For me i like to write simething that happened in my life and i share it in this blog.Swift also always wrote song that related to her own life.For example if you listen to "fifteen" it's about her own situation(how about you write a song about me Swift then people will know...ahaha).

So let's listen to her song(i like her music deep from her soul).

(Fifteen - Tylor Swift)

p/s :
- Yeay go back to Mama House...

-= SuNdAy MoRniNg =-

I was shocked this morning after woke up from sleep.DEM my traffic was decreased more than half.Yesterday i updated my blog very late because of the Internet Provider give me a very GOOD service and i can't update my blog!!!Thank you to internet provider that give me such a good service (after this if there is no coverage in my area please tell the truth.My college need internet for business lol).

Just forget about the traffics.Another thing that i think has distracted my emotion this morning is about one SMS (Short Message System or malay siad Suke Mencari Susah) that i received this morning.This is the content :

"To All Fellows try to think...
27/11/09 Raya Haji - Friday...
18/12/09 Hijrah New Year - Friday...
25/12/09 Christmas eve - Friday...
01/01/10 New Year - Friday...
12/02/10 - Prophet Muhammad Birth - Friday...
02/04/10 YESUS Death - Friday...
28/06/10 Wesak Day - Friday...
27/08/10 Nuzul Quran - Friday...
10/09/10 Hari Raya Aidilfitri - Friday...
05/11/10 Deepavali - Friday..."


Ok let me tell you.YES in quran we was told that End Of Days is on Friday but Only GOD(Allah) that knows when it will happen.Why should we do such a ridiculous research like this rather than doing worship to ALLAH.We already knew that it will come and it is close.So beside sending and spreading this message better we get close to ALLAH not sending this SMS.

Why should we do the thing that can't even change our faith to our own religion.The thing that we should really do is pray.No matter what your religion we were all slaves.Even Prophet Muhammad didn't know When the actual date of KIAMAT so as his follower we suppose to increase our worship and pray to ALLAH.

For example if we spread this SMS to other people that didn't have strong mentallity we will make them feel bad and then they will do something that can destroy themselves.So we are adult enough to think.Don't try to do something that can destroy our faith to the religion.KEEP ON PRAYING...

p/s :
- to the SMS sender i am not condemning what you are doing.it is good for us to remind each other but please do something that can benefit us.Anyways thanks for the reminder.
- We all should know that it is beyond our power to find what date is it.Just leave it to ALLAH because only ALLAH that have power and we are just GOD(ALLAH) slaves. 
- Don't be a MAYAN that think they are super genius and knew everything that will happen in the future(or maybe it was just an accident...They are bot GOD).

 - credit to this website for the artwork...

-= TwEeT aNd BloG =-

Happy Saturday to all readers and bloggers.Still the same no big issue to write in this blog.But do you want to know something...???I learn something new that can improve my blog.But before that i want to thank my fellow blogger Kancilbiru for the precious knowledge.

Actually I've been thinking for a long time to put this widget but still can't work properly.Let me show you the widget that i just put in my blog...

(Yeay my tweet box can scroll already!!!)

Ok let me share with you how to make this widget work properly.First of all you must have an active twitter account.If you still doesn't have twitter account please register it is FREE!!!The next thing that you should do is LOG IN la(if not how to make or create this widget!!!).

Then after login click at setting (1) and then go to more URL and click (You can also add Twitter to your site here).

(Figure 2: setting up twitter in blog's)

After you have click that this interface will comes out...

(Figure 3 : setting up twitter in blog)

Then click my website and then search widget after you have clicked that..this will appear :

(Figure 4 : setting up twitter in blog)

Follow this instruction :
1 - PUt your username (Twitter username off course don't put FB username OK!!!)
2 - Put the title fot this box (for me i put my blog URL...actually just copy kancilbiru style...ahaha)
3 - Put your box caption (in Malay tangkapan is it right!!!ahaha)
4 - Check back your final visualize/customize tweet box...
5 - Press Finish & Grab code

Do you think it is over...NO!!!got another important steps...

(Figure 5 : setting up twitter in blog)
If you're using blogspot as usually just press the blogspot icon there but for "otai" they use wordpress they just cut n paste lol.Is that easy(easy???i found this for almost 2 month...ahaha).

p/s :
- Credit to thekancilbiru for this tutorial.wow at last got this widget...
- was influence by nara then try to change in my blog...

-=This WeEk BloG TraFFiC FoR SuTeRaBloGGeR =-

Wah tq for all the readers and blogger that always support this boring and dull blog.If not because of you and you and you...YES ALL of YOU i will never got the spirit to write and will never got this :

(Stats for this week)

I show this stats not because i want to show off(show off with this little stats are you crazy!!!shame man) but just to show to all of you that i need your visit to my blog and also as an appreciation to your visit.That's why i work hard to make this blog interesting(is it???).

But the one that i really curios is about this :


(Uiks!!!Hani Tarmizi...Who Is This)

I am still wondering who is this Hani Tarmizi anyway.Everyday i got hit under her name(should i pay her royalty...ahaha..hell no!!!).I never wrote anything about her and i also don't know who da hell she is(is she a celebrity or what??).But anyway Tq to her coz give me some of the visitor.

Pray for me for this blog.I will keep on writing if you guys still support and read this blog.And now struggling to get higher PR(why mine still 0/10 owhh...no last time when in blogspot at least 2/10???).Can somebody tell me what happened???I still cant get it why suddenly after i change domain my PR become 0(huh!!!very sad).I check it twice but the result is ...

(My latest PR...Owh No!!!)

So if there is anybody that can help me to adjust this situation please come to the front and leave your IC number and passport size picture(wow!!!like orientation right..) and help me to improve on this...PLEASEEEEEE!!!!

p/s :
- Hopefully can achieve more that 300 unique like Kak Ina...(am i too greedy!!!)
- To all visitors i would like to say :

"Kak Nita sayang semua...sayang sangat sampai kiamat!!!"


Huh!!!To all blogger and readers hopefully you'll never influence by the title of this post.Why???becuase it is just a word that i can say to review the brand new style introduced by LG.It is not related to any sexual contents and can be read by any level of ages.

Why i like it longer???Ok for example there were many things that we use have to be longer.For me it is better if my cigarette is longer than what i am having now!!!The longer the better so that i can stop smoking because i will feel fed up to finish it (is it good enough to support TAK NAK campaign) .Like now the cigarette was too short and people will addicted because it will finish easily(that's why people hard to stop smoking...).To make it simple try to ask your children to read historical books for 4 hours.They will feel bored and felt asleep.





Another thing that i like it longer is my entry.If i can write a long entry i will be satisfied because i can write everything that i have in mind and get out from the stress.That's the reason why i blog.And i like to write a long entry doesn't matter the reader like it or not(anyway it is my blog so...).Becuase you know people that can write a long article actually got many idea inside.Not just can write a junk article but also can write something that can benefit themselves and also their reader.So how is that.Did you understand "Why I Like It Longer"...

Now it's time to show you another thing about "Why I Like It Longer" :

Have you seen this Hand Phone before(i think yes but only in the picture right!!!).Ok let me go straight to the point.Ok this is about the new LG Chocolate Phone or its pampered name BL40.Why it was called BL40 just asked LG lol(i am not the one who created it).We take a look to its physical in the picture first :

(The new LG Chocolate BL40)

When we look at the size.It was longer than other type of hand phones.Ok let me explain why I like it longer.I like it longer because it is unique and totally different from other brand.So that's means if i use this phone it makes me look unique and different from other guys and it will be one of my attraction(huh is it look so fanning!!!No!!!My way ma...)

Another one reason why i like it longer is because it look cute.Like the phone said longer is cuter(is it!!!).So i have no worries about put in in my jeans.Remember it is long and light.So when it is longer the screen also longer right!!!So it can display many icons or function on the screen.

(Wow!!!what a gift!!!)

p/s :

-= WhaT's wrOnG wItH Us =-

Hye and hey to all the readers and blogger.Hm still in moody feeling because too many damn craps interupting my emotion this week.I don't know what to say about this person.She owe me RM4K but then refuse to payback.WTF 3677(i am not writing vulgar words ok this is just car plate no...copying emmy idea..ahaha).Actually i don't what want in this person mind.You owe me money but then after i said i have done the police report then he threatened me back by telling me that he knows the LAW!!!Come on la...it's not me that owe you.I just help you then is this the way you treat me back.Suppose you should be guilty not threatening me back.Just simple you pay my money then i will pull back the report.Simple right!!!(i don't know either you got problem with your mind or what...)

 Another thing that distract me this morning...It is more to our attitude on the road..What da Hell(not cik hel or baby hel okey!!!) are you thinking off guys!!!You want to know why???Let me show you our drivers attitude...

(Drivers with no manners)

(The the car overtake my car!!!so sad!!!)

Actually i can still can tolerate if he wants to overtake me but see no SIGNAL...I think maybe we should buy a national car because you know what still can use the signal light.Or maybe this driver don't know how to use the signal light(go to metro driving academy la broooo!!!).You are so lucky because i don't know how to use my honk!!!If not...

All the people on the road were in a hurry.If you want to get to your place early just wake up early lol..With the attitude like this you are making the traffic worst...(it is ok if this blog got traffic jam!!!Then i will buy you starbucks...).

p/s :
- Hopefully i will not be like these drivers.Stay calm and peace...
- Sometime i also forgot that my Gen2 signal light is at the left handsite(but at least i got intention to give signal...hehe)
- By the "pujuk rayu" of my wife i become normal and not mad anymore...you dont want to see me if i get mad!!!

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